ZOOM on the CNFPT : a training and technical resources offer for local authorities

Climate change is increasing and will increase the frequency and severity of extreme and devastating weather events, and local authorities are on the front line.

The multiplication of these events constitutes major challenges for local authorities: the challenge of adaptation, but also the challenge of repairing territories when the disaster has occurred, and the challenge of better taking into account future hazards.

The CNFPT offers various articles on the subject: How to repair the territory after a natural disaster; territorial resilience, etc.; but also adapts its service offer by proposing training courses on the new issues of resilience for local authorities, webinars or MOOCs.

It also addresses the resilience that territories must now demonstrate in the face of natural disasters within content accessible in several e-communities:

-Local development

-Sustainable development

-Water, sanitation and aquatic environments

-Roads and streets

-Urban planning and land use

Find this rich and plural offer here : Les collectivités territoriales face au défi des catastrophes naturelles | Le CNFPT - Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur