Focus on new NFCL tools: recommendation guides for the implementation of citizen and elected official-technician workshops

The mobilization of all the actors of the city, whether they are elected officials, technicians or citizens,

has been at the heart of the five years of implementation of the Nature For City LIFE project. The objective of this project was to deploy nature-based solutions for the adaptation of cities to climate change.

In order to achieve this objective, one of the actions of the project was devoted to the issue of citizen mobilization and training of elected officials and technicians with the organization of workshops for these audiences to develop a systemic approach integrating the issues of nature in the city and adaptation to climate change.

Within the framework of the NCFL project, two recommendation guides have been created, one for the elected officials-technicians workshops and one for the citizens' workshops, to offer you feedbacks and animation tracks allowing you to organize these workshops in the best way.

You can find them here :