Nature for city life
what is this ?


A regional project to develop nature in cities to adapt to climate change.

A few numbers

5 years

This is the duration of the project !


This is the number of partners
(6 public and 2 associations)

3.7 M€

This is the total project budget
(of which 1.99 M€ LIFE grant)



Marseille: the redevelopment of Square Stephan has started

Square Stephan located near the Palais Longchamp is being completely renovated. Carried out after a…

New: the first part of the Guide to alternative habitats and refuges for…

This first part relates to “Building” and “Ground” habitats as well as to the taxa “Cave birds”,…

Whispers of nature in the city: inauguration of the Cigala work

“Cigala”, the work of the visual artist Estelle Ladoux, will be inaugurated on Saturday September 21…

Whispering nature in the city: inauguration of the "Li Bello Vedere"…

As part of the Nature for City LIFE project, financed by the European Commission's LIFE program and…

Training courses on the Life program in the Southern Region!

On May 14, the European Cooperation Department of the Southern Region and ARBE organized the fourth…

Nature in the city : 22,000 lives saved in 2023 thanks to green spaces,…

Urban green spaces will have prevented 275,000 pathologies and saved 22,000 lives by 2023, i.e. 60…

Nature for City LIFE project wins second "Stars of Europe" competition

The 2nd edition of the "Stars of Europe" competition brought to light 9 flagship projects in the…

NFCL Final technical report

We are pleased to share with you the final technical report of the Nature for City LIFE project,…

Biodiverse events with the Toulon Provence Méditerranée Metropolis

As part of the Nature for City LIFE project, Toulon Provence Méditerranée is organizing 2 walks…

A look back at Mycotemple, a Nature for City Life artistic investment

This autumn, we're delighted to share a truly poetic moment with you, with the production of the…

It's back-to-school time, reserve your free copy of Nature for City Life !

You'd like to help raise awareness of the issues surrounding nature in the city and the solutions it…

Looking back on 5 years of the Nature for City LIFE program

The Nature for City LIFE program is planning to produce a report at the end of the program,…

OUTSIDE : NEW ISSUES ! The Nature For City Life itineraries booklets

By linking knowledge to walking, experience to conversation, analysis to gesture, the itineraries…

ZOOM on the last walk with the Guide Bureau : sign up!

The Nature for City Life program initiated five years ago is coming to an end !

Live with the…

Focus on the training of elected officials, a rich and tailor-made offer!

The development and enhancement of nature areas in cities is a response to the challenges of climate…

Focus on Act V of the Mediterranean of the Future, The global meeting of…

The Southern Region is organizing Act V of the Mediterranean of the Future: The global meeting of…

Focus on the re-launch of the Nature for City LIFE MOOC "Nature in the…

Now open access and continuous !

Focus on an operation Nature in the city: Review 2016-2022 nests and nest…

Since 2016, the city of Toulon has been committed to the protection and conservation of swift nests…

Focus on new NFCL tools: recommendation guides for the implementation of…

The mobilization of all the actors of the city, whether they are elected officials, technicians or…

Rain trees, a new technique with multiple benefits

The Lyon metropolitan area planted its first "rain trees" in November 2021. This pretty name,…

The follow-up to the Nature for City LIFE project: the After LIFE plan

The Nature for City LIFE project, which began in 2017, will end this year. These five years will…

Activities, meetings, exhibitions on the program of the science festival…

A festival that has become a must.

Cycle of webinars "More NATURE in our schoolyards"

Find now the replays and materials of the webinar cycle "+ nature in our schoolyards" co-organized…

Nature in the city and the League for the Protection of Birds

The energy and environmental regulations for new buildings, known as RE2020, aim to respond to…

Towards health-friendly urban planning

The state of health of the population does not only depend on the quality of the health system…

Back to the Nature for City LIFE Closing Forum: discover the films made by…

For this occasion, two of our partners, Atmosud and the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis, have made two…

It's back to school! Remember to book the Nature for City LIFE exhibition!

Against the heat wave, it is urgent to design our cities differently. Already, book the exhibition…

Nature in the city and adaptation to climate change - Visits and training…

The development and enhancement of nature areas in cities is a response to the challenges of climate…

Feedback on the Nature for City LIFE closing forum of June 15, 2022 in NICE

Since 2017, the Region has been coordinating the Nature For City LIFE project, co-financed by the…

Focus on the "More nature in our schoolyards" webinar series

Find now :

- The replay and support for the first webinar in the "+ nature in our schoolyards"…

Nature in the city and adaptation to climate change - Visits and training…

The development and enhancement of nature areas in cities is a response to the challenges of climate…

Focus on the Climate Thursdays organized by the Metropolis of Aix Marseille…

"As part of its "Thursdays, I say climate", the metropolis has been organizing a series of webinars…

Networking with the RECETAS project

A look back at the event "Nature in the City, a healthy asset for all?" - May 10, 2022

Focus on the citizen forum in Toulon on May 14, 2022

As part of the 48 Hours of Urban Agriculture Festival, the TPM Metropolis and the Southern Region…

Focus on the History of the Plant World series

As an echo to the MOOC "Nature in the city and climate change" which is open until May 15th, we…

ZOOM on the MOOC "Soil and Climate

In addition to the MOOC "Nature in the city and climate change" that you can follow until May 15, we…

Focus on the mammals of the cities

3800 species of mammals are listed in the world. At a time of urbanization and urban sprawl, which…

Feedback on the March 22 seminar "Designing a sustainable and resilient…

On March 22, the SOUTH Region with the Metropole Aix Marseille Provence and the City of Marseille…


In a second volume entitled "Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability", the group of UN…

Focus on the Inauguration of the tree path of the St Exupéry high school in…

Overlooking the sea and with a 7-hectare park, the NFCL team was invited on Monday, March 21, 2022,…

ZOOM on the 6th IPCC assessment report

After the facts, the effects and the means to adapt to them, the second part on February 28 of the…

Focus on the POPSU booklet Metropolis-Landscape - Aix-Marseille-Provence,…

On January 28 and 29, 2021, the Nature for City LIFE team participated in the seminar to act with…

Feedback on the platform meeting "LIFE and the Climate Pact: Awareness and…

Implementing the ambitious European plan to safeguard the natural environment and the climate,…

ZOOM on The Filin, a regional environmental health information tool

Within the framework of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Environmental Health Plan, the…

ZOOM on health and urban planning

Following the round table "In a logic of adaptation, how to think about health-friendly…

Focus on urban ecology ... by walking

Baptiste Lanaspèze, author of Marseille, ville sauvage and founder of Wildproject, proposes in his…

ZOOM last season of the NFCL urban walks by the Bureau des Guides BGR2013

Last season of the NFCL walks by the walking artists of the Bureau des Guides BRG2013 who take us on…

ZOOM on Sauvages de ma rue 2022

Sauvages de ma rue is a participatory science program : it is both an educational project led by the…

ZOOM on the climate monitoring action with Atmosud

Among the different actions implemented in the framework of our project, Atmosud carries the climate…

ZOOM on TEMPO, the national network of phenology observatories : survey for…

Tempo  is a national network of observatories dedicated to the phenology of the whole living world…

ZOOM on the CNFPT : a training and technical resources offer for local…

Climate change is increasing and will increase the frequency and severity of extreme and devastating…

ZOOM on Gardens and Biodiversity: simple tips to promote biodiversity at…

France info invites you to explore the dream world of Eric Charton, expert gardener. The gardens are…

European Forum of October 8, 2021: discover the story of the urban walks !

The Nature for city LIFE program, which the Guide Bureau has been co-animating since 2017, is a…

The "LIFE and the Climate Pact" platform meeting on 27-28 October 2021

ZOOM: What is SafN ?

To find out all about Nature-based Adaptation Solutions, here is a review of the conference held on…

Review of the Webinar "Social representations of nature in the city" of …

Many of you attended yesterday's webinar "Social representations of nature in the city Act 3", which…

Zoom of the ecological city of the future game at the Climate Academy

- You are an architect/urban planner and you feel a bit lost in urban ecology?

- Do you have…

The Mediterranean Urban Agriculture Days

The Mediterranean Urban Agriculture Days will take place on 18 and 19 November in Marseille.

Day dedicated to Nature-based Adaptation Solutions

This year, the Region, Cerema, Ademe in partnership with the French Office for Biodiversity are…

Focus on the exhibition "Nature in the city and adaptation to climate…

This exhibition is one of the components of the Itinerancy action of the European project "Nature…

Zoom Botanical Escape by Veronique Mure

Veronique Mure, botanist, has been involved in the project several times in the MOOC initial course,…

Training for elected representatives: here we go!

A first day of training for elected officials was held live on 28 September in Avignon.


Social representations of nature in the city Act 3

Monday 15 November 2021 from 12:30 to 13:30 : "Social representations of nature in the city Act 3"

ZOOM on the Nature for City LIFE project: a busy autumn!

The NFCL team's agenda for September and October was and is still very full! Here's a look back at…

Nature in the city and small wildlife

When we talk about nature in the city, we should not forget the small wildlife living alongside us.…

Feedback on the Nature for City LIFE European Forum of 8 October 2021

More than a hundred of you participated in the European Forum on Nature in the City for Adaptation…

The appointments of nature in the city, 22 and 23 October 2021

As part of the Metropolitan Trail project, the Toulon Provence Méditerranée Metropolis has set up an…

Launch of the 1st edition of the Life ARTISAN Climate Change Adaptation…

We would like to inform you of the launch of the 1st edition of the Life ARTISAN Climate Change…

Invitation : European Forum on Nature in the City For climate change…

Friday 8 October 2021 at the Hôtel de Région in Marseille


Coastlines and climate change : Understanding the issues, rethinking our practices together …

Review of the European Forum on 1 July

While waiting for the videos which will be available soon and to meet you in person during the…

ZOOM on Téla Botanica's holiday booklets

To end the summer on a high note, Téla Botanica is offering 4 holiday booklets to help you discover…

ZOOM : new feedback sheets

The LIFE team took advantage of the summer period and the help of two brilliant trainees, Romane and…

FOCUS on the GREC's notebooks

The GREC has published a new territorial notebook which this time concerns the Nice Cote d'Azur…

ZOOM on the training for elected representatives

The Nature For City LIFE training programme specifically dedicated to the elected representatives of…

ZOOM on the seminar "Adaptation to climate change and land use planning :…

While waiting for the videos and materials of the forum on 1 July 2021, let's take a look back at…

Nature in the city workshop in Cagnes sur mer act 2

Following the workshops organised in 2019 with the town's elected representatives and technicians,…

READ ELSEWHERE : Call for commons Resilience of Territories 2021

ADEME has just launched a call for commons to bring together a community around the theme of…

ZOOM : Animated films to alert us to the climate emergency and the loss of…

On the occasion of the production of the biodiversity and climate change booklet, which is due to be…

European Forum on Nature in the City for climate change adaptation

Thursday 1 July 2021 by videoconference : discover the programme !

ZOOM on the MOOC Nature in the city : from the discovery to the completion…

This month, discover or rediscover a new video of the Nature for city LIFE MOOC : Nature in the city…

FOCUS on the RECETAS project : nature to heal and fight against isolation…

Taking a walk in a park, growing tomatoes ... what if these activities could be used to combat…

European Forum on Nature in the City for climate change adaptation

Thursday 1 July 2021 by videoconference

READ ELSEWHERE : Soil sealing and renaturation sheets - CEREMA -

Cerema has just completed the series of sheets on the challenges of soil desilting and renaturation…

READ ELSEWHERE : Beneficial effects of urban nature spaces on health -…

A study carried out as part of a doctorate in psychology by Bastien VAJOU and with Plantes et Cité,…

When the weather is fine, you'll want to go for a walk with the Guide…

With the return of the fine weather, you'll want to discover or rediscover Marseille, Aix, the Etang…

ZOOM : A notebook full of Ideas

The students of the Marseille School of Design, as part of the "Artistic Investments" project, are…

ZOOM on the MOOC Nature in the city : from the discovery to the completion…

This month, discover or rediscover a new video of the Nature for city LIFE MOOC : Nature in the city…

Review of the webinar " Social Representations of Nature in the City - Act…

On 20 April, a second webinar was devoted to "Social representations of nature in the city 2". This…

ZOOM : Sharing methods

Within the framework of the "Ateliers Elus techniciens et de mobilisation citoyenne" actions, the…

READ ELSEWHERE : the city of tomorrow will be a natural city. Yves Chalas…

This period of prolonged confinement leads us, as urbanites, to rethink our relationship with…

EnviroDEBAT Networking Biodiversity and Planning

On 16 February EnvirobatBDM organised an EnviroDEBAT "Biodiversity and planning" in digital format…

READ ELSEWHERE : Lichens, scientific treasure and environmental sentinels

In addition to the videos by Claude Rémy of the Arnica Montana association on air quality monitoring…

LA CIOTAT : an action study to promote nature in the city to combat heat…

Many cities in France and abroad have already launched diagnoses of this urban overheating, to…

READ ELSEWHERE: full soil to fight against the desartificialisation of…

Among the many draft articles of the 'climate and resilience' bill, which follows on from the work…

READ ELSEWHERE in The Conversation "What about urban microforests ? "

The heatwaves of the last few summers have been the trigger for massive tree planting projects and…

NETWORKING : "Vegetable city, desirable city: when nature takes root

The health crisis and the latest heatwaves have made it all the more important to have access to…

ZOOM on the MOOC Nature in the city : from the discovery to the completion…

Discover a new video produced as part of the MOOC Nature for city LIFE . This month, we meet with Au…

Webinar "Social representations of nature in the city - act 2":…

In the actions implemented within the framework of the Nature For City LIFE project, the Population…

Soon the European forum Nature for City LIFE ...

Since September 2017, the Region has been the lead partner of the European Nature For City LIFE…


Why a "Nature for City Life" website? To help you discover and share this European project led by…

Networking for Metropolitan Pathways : a conference at MUCEM to share a…

Since the creation by the Bureau des Guides, 10 years ago, of the GR2013, the first metropolitan…

ZOOM on the MOOC Nature in the city : from the discovery to the completion…

Discover a new video produced as part of the MOOC Nature for city LIFE.

This week, we meet with Thi…

ZOOM on the MOOC Nature in the city : from the discovery to the completion…

You want to discover or rediscover the MOOC "Nature for City LIFE and adaptation to climate change".…

Review of the seminar "The landscape resources of the Etang de Berre".

On January 28th and 29th, a two-day seminar was held on the landscape resources of the Etang de…

Networking: Focus on the other Nature 4 Cities

This almost homonymous project, supported within the framework of the H2020 programme, bringing…

Networking : Focus on Life ARTISAN

Within the framework of the Nature for City LIFE programme, the SUD Region is developing networking…

Networking: A seminar to act with the landscapes - resources of the Etang…

The Etang de Berre area is at the heart of profound changes, linked to changes in production,…

Networking Back to Webinars " Thursday is Climate - Hot Spots

Within the framework of the Air Energy Climate Plan, the Aix Marseille Provence Metropolis, in…

Back to the Webinar "Thursday is Climate - Adapted lighting for nocturnal…

Within the framework of the Air Energy Climate Plan, the Aix Marseille Provence Metropolitan Area,…

Networking For Metropolitan Paths from Marseille to Cologne : an online…

Following the creation 10 years ago by the Guide Bureau of the GR2013, the first metropolitan trail…

Networking: the COoL-AMmetropolis project - Towards a reduction in CO2…

The COoL-AMmetropolis project, funded by the French National Research Agency (2020-2023), is led by…

A new communication pack for the NFCL project

Within the framework of the mission of animation of the elected technical workshops on urban and…

The Nature For City LIFE project is exhibited during the Heritage Days in…

This year the city of Port de Bouc, in the continuation of its commitment to the Nature For City…

A "Hackhaton nature" digital solutions for better knowledge and protection

Hack4nature is an event proposed by the Donut Info Lab and its partners to collectively reflect on…

The AIRFRESH project to reduce air pollution from trees in the city for a…

Mass urbanisation is one of the challenges of the 21st century, 82% of the population of the…

Networking : focus on the Life Metro Adapt project

During the Green Week, the European Commission highlighted the subject of vulnerability, but also…

EcoTeka project for a better management of urban trees

Good tree management in the city starts with a thorough knowledge of the existing trees. The…

Towards a green school yard , the Marcel Pagnol school project in Nice

In the context of the necessary adaptation to climate change, the Nice Côte d'Azur metropolis has…

Back to the webinar "Social Representations of Nature in the City" on…

On 16 November a webinar was devoted to "Social Representations of Nature in the City". This time of…

Air pollution and climate change in the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region

The Territory Knowledge Service of the region has just devoted the thirteenth issue of the Focale to…

Outdoors or the Nature for City LIFE itinerary booklets of the GR2013…

By linking knowledge to walking, experience to conversation, analysis to gesture, the itineraries…

"Social Representations of Nature in the City".

Monday 16 November 2020, from 12 noon to 1 pm

CARROS at the time of the urban walks

"Nature in the city is not just about looking pretty in the city," and in these times of climate…

Cagnes-sur-Mer or the reconquest of Nature in the City

The town of Cagnes-sur-Mer has a policy of reconquering the Cagne and nature in the town: "La Coulée…

Urban monitoring Nature in the city and climate :

the continuation of the installation of sensors by ATMOSUD

Webinar "Social representations of nature in the city"

In the actions implemented within the framework of the Nature For City LIFE project, the Population…

Training of elected representatives

feedback sheets for the (re)introduction of nature in cities and the fight against global warming.

A successful back-to-school trip bringing together ENSAM students and…

From walking to walking ....

A look back at the workshop on the Mediterranean city of tomorrow in…

The collaborative reflection on the Mediterranean city of tomorrow was held in Miramas on 25 April.

Launch of MOOC Nature for City LIFE: register now!

The first session of the MOOC Nature for City LIFE will start on 23 April 2019, so register now and…

Story of an urban walk: Walking conversation #2 of March 13, 2019

Back in narrative, images and sound on the urban walk of March 13, 2019 in Foresta led by the SAFI…

Nature for City LIFE Workshops: here we go!

A look back at the first citizen exchange workshops and practical elected/technical workshops of the…

And what kind of nature do you live in? Results of the LPED socio-economic…

Discover the first results of the Nature for City LIFE socio-economic surveys to better understand…

Nature for City LIFE at the Salon des Maires des Alpes-Maritime

On November 09, the Nature for City LIFE project made a name for itself at the Salon des Maires des…

#Urban walk - The quest for shade in Miramas

What could be better than an afternoon in July to go hiking... in search of shade! A look back at…

#Urban Walking - The missing part: the Aygalades stream

On July 01, the SAFI collective proposed a conference designed along the Aygalades stream.

Nature in town exhibition at the Hôtel de Région for the European…

On the occasion of the SEDD, the Region's agents can enjoy the Nature en ville exhibition at the…

A hike for the pros: The Palyvester Plain under pressure

On Tuesday 05 June, the Bureau des Guides brought together the minds of scholars, scientists and…

Participation of the South Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur Region in the EU…

The South Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur Region went to Brussels on 23 May to present the Nature for…

Europe goes green with EU Green Week from 21 to 25 May!

From 21 to 25 May, EU Green Week will be held on the theme "Green cities for a greener future".

A hike for the pros: The natural enclaves of Toulon harbour

The cycle of urban hikes in expert groups continued on 15 May on La Seyne with the theme " The…


Back on a day of roaming discovery of the Foresta metropolitan park project in Marseille.

| News |

Day of meeting and location for the creation of a Metropolitan Trail in the…

Urban walk, dialogues and backpack... for a collective construction of a Metropolitan Path on the…

| News |

Launch of the Nature for City LIFE project

On Thursday 01 February 2018, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region officially launched the Nature…

Next events


Event 1 test


Save the date : Focus on the conference…


Networking: focus on the final Blue Green…


Focus on the "Trees and Forests" webinar…


Save the date : trees in the city to mitigate…


Tourism and adaptation to climate change


ZOOM on the "More nature in our schoolyards"…


EUROPEAN CLOSING FORUM on nature in the city…


Come and participate in the Fête du ruisseau…


Meet the Nature for City LIFE exhibition !


Webinar "1 hour to understand and act: Nature…


INTERLIFE 2022 meetings in Toulouse


Citizen forum on nature in the city for…


SAVE THE DATE : European closing forum on…


Focus on "la voie est belle" in Marseille


The 5th meeting of the cycle "Agir ensemble…


MOOC Nature for City LIFE "Nature in the…


Nature for City LIFE Webinars Nature in the…


Focus on the Square Stephan workshop in…


Focus on the call for projects "Atlas of…


Focus on the webinar "The Nice Côte d'Azur…


Zoom Citizen mobilization workshop Parc du…


MOOC Nature for City LIFE "Nature in the city…

From 10/23/2020 to 12/15/2020

A MOOC for a better understanding of the…

From 05/25/2019 to 05/25/2019

#UrbanWalk : Capri Sun Valley in the…


#BaladeUrbaine : « Les enclaves naturelles de…


Training of elected officials: Flood…

From 05/04/2019 to 05/05/2019

48 hours for urban agriculture, top time!

From 04/23/2019 to 05/31/2019

Launch of MOOC Nature for City LIFE on April…

The Project

Background Context

Climate change is one of the major challenges of our century. It is already having an impact on our daily lives: summer heat peaks, the frequency and violence of natural disasters, droughts, the spread of disease, deteriorating air quality...

These impacts of climate change are exacerbated in urban areas due to their combination with the artificialization of soils and concentration of human activities. However, more than half of the world's population now lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase further to 66% by 2050[1].

Faced with these climate changes, strengthening the adaptation of urban spaces is a major challenge. The development and enhancement of nature zones (infrastructures or green and blue fields) and all the services provided by nature in cities is a response to this challenge.

The Nature for city LIFE project aims to strengthen the adaptation of urban spaces to the impacts of climate change through the development and enhancement of nature in cities. Through a strong and innovative partnership between the metropolises of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d' Azur region, the project makes it possible to demonstrate the services provided by nature in an urban environment and thus provide concrete solutions for all Mediterranean cities and beyond !


A strategic objective

Develop and develop nature in cities to enhance the attractiveness of urban areas and adapt to climate change.

Two operational objectives

  • Inform, sensitize and train different audiences and actors on the services provided by nature in the city, based on demonstration sites.
  • Strengthen the integration of urban nature into urban development projects.

[1] 2014 edition of the report on the prospects for United Nations urbanization.