The Nature for City LIFE project inclides 10 actions. They meet both operationnal targets:
To inform public on multifunctional GBI based on demonstration sites in urbanmetropolises.
Develop governance tools with multiple public and stakeholders to strengthen the integration of BGI in urban planning projects) of the project as well as the LIFE 2016 guidelines for applicant's objectives.
- 1 action on urban monitoring implementation and socio-economic information, which seeks the establishment of an urban monitoring system (air quality, heat island effect, humidity) and a socio-economic system to inform about the services provided by urban GBI in the face of climate change. This action targets the OT1 of the project as well as the guideline for applicants regarding information panel / awareness on climate change.
- 4 actions of implementation regarding integrated climate governance, training and awareness: this corpus of actions targets the OP 2 and the integrated climate governance stake by strengthening environmental dialogue in planning projects as well as activities related to urban footpaths (based on existing and non-existing footpaths). It also targets the LIFE guideline for applicants through the training of planners and elected officials to deliver climate contextualized solutions based on GBI.
- 2 actions of communication and dissemination of results: actions are based on, networking, organising forums / seminars and on the development of communication tools such as traveling exhibitions. These actions targets the OT2 of the project and meets the challenge of a better communication with local stakeholders as written in the LIFE guideline.
- 1 action based on the monitoring impact of project actions: meets project monitoring issues to measure project impacts through indicators. This action is linked with the overall strategic objective.
- 2 Project Management actions: these actions are referred to the financial and adminstrative project monitoring and the sustainability of the post-Nature for City LIFE project. These actions ensure the proper financial progress through the five years of the project as well as the good work through of the 10 actions and to present the post-LIFE project strategic planning.
C1 Development of urban monitoring as a tool for governance and information "nature in cities and climate"
The services provided by nature in cities in relation to climate change are not well known by the various stakeholders (various public, elected officials, technicians).
This action aims, through two complementary sub-actions, to produce physical, sociological and economic data directly on the territories in order to objectify the services provided to stakeholders. The fact that the data come from the territory gives them a stronger impact because they are adapted to the local territorial context and they directly concern local actors.
It responds to the operational target "inform, sensitize and train various audiences and stakeholders on the services provided by nature in cities, based on demonstration sites".
C1.1. Climate monitoring (Atmosud)
Implementation of a temperature, humidity and air quality measurement system in the three territories of the project on demonstration sites, identified as green and blue infrastructure (IVB).
5 criteria for the selection of demonstration sites:
- in the urban matrix;
- strong urbanization challenges;
- lack of governance on issues related to BVI and climate change;
- Differentiated location of sites according to a gradient of urbanization (dense city centre and more spread-out urban fringe);
- location on an existing urban hiking trail or at create (C2.1) or nearby.
Localized meteorological parameters include temperature, humidity, and anemometry. For quality parameters, the pollutants measured are particulate matter (lower at 2.5µm - PM 2.5), nitrogen oxides (NO2), and ozone (O3).
Atmosud will monitor possible synergies with the characterization of noise nuisances (existing noise beacons).
Atmosud has a network of permanent reference air quality stations with historical data. These stations meet European and national standards in terms of emissions of air quality (equipment, maintenance, station typology, measurement methodologies, etc.) and provide data for national and European reporting.
The demonstration sites will be equipped with micro-sensors. To estimate the reliability and to know the measurement distance between micro-sensors and data recorded by the monitoring devices.
For reference stations, the reference sites will be doubled: by geographical area, the micro-sensor will be positioned at the right of a reference station. The other sensor microphones will be on the demonstration sites.
18 sites equipped with micro-sensors are planned, including 4 duplicate sites on 4 Atmosud reference sites.
Weather and pollution data are centralized on a remote server. They will be automatically exported for processing, consultation or posting in the communication system (installation of information panels with a "QR code" for smartphone (C2.1) referring to the project website listing the collected data and information of type articles, stories, video on IVB and climate change (C3.1).
Two levels of data use are proposed:
1. real-time information of measured data and comparison between demonstration sites and control stations for users;
2. Analysis of annual trends in urban heat island and air quality information.
The measurement log is as follows:
- daily recordings in spring and summer of temperature data at 0:00 am and 12:00 pm (heat island effect);
- recording of hygrometry after rainfall episodes (moisture retention capacity), data correlated with temperature;
- daily (3 times per day) recordings of air quality parameters by comparing vacation periods vs. work periods and weekdays vs. weekends.
Expected results
Production of contextualized information on the physico-chemical services provided by IVBs in cities in response to climate change.
C1.2. Socio-economic monitoring (AMU-LPED)
In this action, three types of sociological surveys will be carried out on the basis of a methodology developed by the Population Environment Development Laboratory of Aix Marseille University.
Expected results
Increased information on the uses, expectations and socio-economic services provided by nature in the city.
Sociological surveys for the general public
On the basis of the research work carried out by the LPED on the question of social representation and the perception of nature issues in the city, it was proposed in the application that surveys be carried out several years in a row among residents concerned by urban projects and users of urban walking paths. This continuous evaluation over time was intended to assess the impact of the actions carried out in the NFCL project in terms of changes in perception and understanding of the issues of nature in the city and adaptation to climate change.
Initially, it was planned to conduct semi-directive interviews every two years with the users and inhabitants of each site using a questionnaire common to all the sites, with a target of 100 to 150 people interviewed per site.
A first corpus of surveys was conducted in 2018 from June to November 2018. The surveys were conducted in the metropolises of Aix-Marseille and Nice. For the former, in the cities of Miramas, Aix, and Marseille and for the latter in Cagnes sur Mer and Carros. The choice of sites was based on several types of urban renaturation projects.
In Miramas, the neighbourhood investigated by means of questionnaires sent to inhabitants and users borders a project in progress to revegetate a boulevard. The neighbourhood is made up of collective and individual housing.
In the Encagnane district of Aix-en-Provence, questionnaires were administered to residents of the district's multi-family housing and users, including a few shopkeepers, about "allotment" gardens.
The district of Carros-centre in the Nice metropolis was also surveyed on the basis of an experience of so-called "shared" gardens, in a context of collective housing.
In Cagnes-sur-Mer, in the Nice metropolis, it is also a project for the emergence of an eco-district which led the steps of the investigation in a district where a strong commercial activity coexists with a large collective housing stock.
The last site surveyed in the Marseille metropolitan area was that of the Hauts de Sainte Marthe, in the northern districts of Marseille, with inhabitants and users of the Hauts de Sainte Marthe district where an eco-neighbourhood project is underway.
A total of 219 residents and users responded to the survey questionnaires.
The results of this first survey highlighted a real expectation, or even demand, for existing nature in the city, and local practices that could provide a breeding ground for operations in this direction. When understood as a way of upgrading downgraded or disadvantaged urban spaces, these operations can fully echo the conceptions of the inhabitants and users, while at the same time changing their perception of the place.
The people interviewed showed a good willingness to 'welcome' nature projects in the city and even to deal with the more negative aspects of the development of natural species in an urban environment.
However, this good (pre)readiness must be put into perspective by the fact that the representation of what more nature in the city would be like remains relatively abstract and theoretical for the respondents.
Furthermore, it appears that for some of the population, nature projects in the city are those that aim to eliminate sources of pollution and not those that add nature to spaces considered to be already 'green'. Finally, the conception of the development of nature in the urban environment is, for a large part of the population surveyed, part of a usual planning conception, of the type of creation of nature, relatively far from the concept of 'naturer la ville' as carried by the N4CL project, allowing 'natural' nature to take its place in the urban environment.
Find here the results of the surveys conducted in 2018 :2018 Survey
In 2021, given the health context, the LPED conducted a survey towards the participants of the project's actions: the BG 2013 walks and the MOOC initial course.
A questionnaire was sent by e-mail to participants in the MOOC who had followed at least 50% of the proposed courses and to participants in the walks who had agreed to be contacted about the project. 150 people agreed to respond.
The results of these surveys will be available soon.
Sociological surveys of local authority technicians and elected representatives
The second target audience for this action is elected officials, technicians from local authorities and planners from the three regional metropolises, using the same survey methodology as that used for the general public.
The objective was to interview 100 to 150 people per metropolitan area over the duration of the project.
This survey highlighted the interest and appetite of elected officials and technicians for the challenges of nature in the city. But ecological urban projects, mainly identified as the creation of green spaces, are mostly seen as tools for enhancing the territory, whether it is a question of improving the image of a city or enhancing neighbourhoods. These projects are also perceived as enabling the creation of links: creation of social links (33.33%), creation of collaborative links between services and between sectors (transversality - 47.47%), and bringing people together (28.28%).
This survey also highlights the actions to be carried out in order to have more nature in the city, actions linked to differentiated management and the development of spontaneous vegetation, a sign of the work done to raise awareness of this issue, carried out within the institutions for many years and reinforced by the regulations, since 1 January 2017, the Labbé Law prohibits the use of phytosanitary products for the maintenance of green spaces, forests, promenades and roads accessible or open to the public.
Find here the results of the surveys conducted in 2019 : 2019 Survey
Economic surveys
Finally, it is planned to carry out work on the economic attractiveness generated by nature in the city and its economic impact, in particular by conducting an analysis of real estate data: prices, taxes collected, etc.; definition and collection of attractiveness data: number of new companies, criteria for deciding to set up, etc.).
The contribution of nature in the city to the attractiveness of developed areas can be measured through the prices of land and real estate near nature areas in the city. Prices are influenced by factors such as the distance and surface area of nature areas in the city, which differ according to the work.
Green spaces have become a key criterion for 72% of French people, who consider their proximity "important" or "very important" when choosing a place to live, and the same is true for businesses.
On average, a flat in the immediate vicinity of an urban green space is worth 17% more than the same property located 100 m away.
In addition, in terms of tourist appeal, beyond the cultural and architectural heritage, visitors aspire to discover the atmosphere of the city, to go for a walk. Walking is the number one activity for visitors to cities, ahead of visiting the built heritage. The presence of nature in cities can be a factor in strengthening their tourist appeal, in a context of competition between destinations .
C2 Development of "nature in the city and climate" roaming as a medium for information and promotion
This action aims to create urban hiking trails and an itinerant "nature in town and climate"reception point, innovative media to communicate, inform and raise awareness on the multifunctional role of urban IVBs in the face of climate change. It meets the operational target "strengthen the integration of nature in cities into urban development projects".
By raising the awareness of stakeholders, this action also aims to give them a common culture enabling them to collectively develop new urban planning projects.
C2.1 Development of new hiking path "Nature in the city and climate".
This already existing metropolitan hiking trail is a communication medium centred on culture, links diverse environments to knowledge, scales of the territory and proposes observation practices, encounters and narratives, in the form of walks, performances, exhibitions, reception points (observatories, orientation tables, signposting, etc.) and media content (texts, images, sounds, etc.).
The aim is to enrich the pathways by highlighting demonstration sites passing through the pathways and their roles in adapting cities and metropolises to climate change.
The action plans to create a GR on TPM, linking the sites identified in Action C1, based on the experience of GR2013, in several stages:
- work on a route for the discovery of the Agglomeration's heritages, including demonstration sites), with a presentation on the role of GBIs for resilience to climate change;
- a signposted urban trail for the Grande Randonnée.
In 2010, NCA developed discovery loops on the city of Nice, 8 itineraries allow you to discover the city's natural, cultural and historical heritage. These loops will be developed within the framework of LIFE, and completed by the development of two new loops on the theme of nature's climate in cities and BGI.
For each site identified in C1.1, the zone will be considered not only for its specific characteristics but also as a point to consider a larger scale of the territory and to propose a narration centred on the GBI and their role in the face of climate change, in particular by linking them to the control site. Pathways and narratives will also be proposed from the site in a larger area, so as to apply the demonstrations to forms of market narrative likely to shift everyone's view of the city, GBI and climate change.
The Technical Monitoring Committee will act as a steering committee and exchange of practices between the actors associated with these urban pathways in the 3 LIFE territories. This will make it possible to support the development of actions in the three project territories and to identify the actors necessary for their implementation in a logic of transferability/replicability of the methodologies deployed.
Partnership actions shall provide for:
- guides (publications): re-release of the GR 2013 Topoguide in 2018 and enrichment of the guide with an IVB and climate change component, edition of a specific guide for the TPM trail, re-release of the NCA booklet on urban loops and creation of a corresponding guide;
- animation actions aimed at networking the demonstration sites and creating a common platform for the demonstration sites and a narration on the multifunctionality of GBI and climate change:
- expeditions: survey narratives, installations, exhibitions, performances: accounts of preliminary investigations carried out by authors in original forms (multimedia / installations / exhibitions / performances). Constitution and pooling of resources (open data). Creation of print and web content to enrich downloadable walking sheets;
- hospitalities on each of the sites: installation of refuge (for inhabitants, visitors, fauna, flora). Reflections on the planning of public spaces (workshops, urban planning workshops, construction, assembly);
- excursions: walks, creation of routes, accompaniment and mediation around the routes, hikes, themed bivouacs "nature in city and climate".
The production of stories to share the fruits of the itineraries
Outdoors or the Nature for City LIFE itinerary booklets of the GR2013 Office.
By linking knowledge to walking, experience to conversation, analysis to gesture, the itineraries proposed by the GR2013 Guides Office within the Nature For City LIFE project attempt to explore different approaches to transmission in order to bring us knowledge while re-sensitising us to what has the power to make our cities and our world habitable. Addressing the multiple subjects and themes of global warming in an urban context (biodiversity, fragmentation of natural environments, trees and rivers, management...), these walks are designed and led by artist-walkers.
The Bureau des guides BGR2013 proposes three issues of "Dehors" to give the floor to these artist-walkers and share a selection of their walking proposals made in the framework of the Nature for City LIFE project. Thus we listen to them tell us about their ways of conceiving these walks, but also to tell us about their more personal journey in this contemporary questioning which concerns us all, collectively and more intimately.
These stories allow us to understand the construction of a metropolitan path, to walk the green fabric or to approach the subject of the search for shade.
C2.2 Creation of an exhibition Nature in the city and adaptation to climate change
The main objectives of the Nature for City Life project include informing, raising awareness and training the various publics and stakeholders on the services provided by nature in the city, as well as strengthening the integration of nature in the city in urban development projects.
To achieve these objectives, 10 actions are planned in the three metropolitan areas including an action to inform and raise awareness among the general public and schoolchildren about the role of nature in the city in making urban environments more resilient to climate change.
This awareness-raising action is based in particular on the creation of an exhibition entitled "Nature in the city and adaptation to climate change", accompanied by an educational kit to complement its use. It aims to raise awareness among different types of audiences, both schoolchildren and non-schoolchildren, of the challenges of nature in the city and the solutions that nature can provide in the face of climate change.
The exhibition is intended to travel within the partner cities but also in other regional territories. It is based on 7 themes divided into 14 panels, allowing a group accompanied by a facilitator as well as people visiting on their own, to understand the challenges of climate change and the solutions that nature in the city brings. Educational and interactive tools in a case accompany the themes of this exhibition:
Each panel provides elements of understanding and reflection on the major issues of climate change and the services that nature can provide in the city. And for each panel, quizzes or manipulations are proposed to offer to its visitors another look, more playful, so that all of us can appropriate all these complex concepts and which can sometimes lead to confusion.
Thus, the themes addressed are diverse: the contextualization of climate change; the effects of climate change on our lives; the ecosystem services provided by nature; the different forms and components of nature in the city; the various ecological frameworks that exist in the city; the innovative initiatives within the 3 metropolises (AMP, TPM, NCA); the societal challenges we must face, summarizing the benefits of nature in the city and the ways in which we can act on our scale.
This exhibition is accessible to the public on its own or in groups with a facilitator or a teacher who will use the accompanying educational kit to propose various activities and the digital tablet designed as a bibliographic resource to go further. The exhibition is also accompanied by a series of manuals: a handbook to get started, a manual to present the contents of the exhibition, and an educational booklet for secondary school teachers.
Four copies of the exhibition have been produced to reinforce the itinerant aspect of the exhibition, allowing each of the three metropolises to disseminate it in their territory. The "Regional" copy is available to other regional territories. Produced in Creative Commons, its usable and royalty-free content can be found in the "Communication and Resources" section.
All the copies can be lent free of charge to municipalities, high schools, associations or other structures that wish to take ownership of the issues of nature in the city in connection with adaptation to climate change and / or participate in the necessary awareness of these issues: request by mail to nature4citylife@ .
Finally, a video allows you to discover this exhibition:
Expected results of C2 action
Raising public awareness of the role of nature in the city on climate change, modification of stakeholder representations, common culture enabling new urban planning projects to evolve collectively.
C3 Mobilization and training of city designers, elected officials and technicians from local authorities and developers on the theme of "nature in the city and climate".
This action aims to train all city designers in the ecosystem services provided by nature in the urban environment as well as in techniques for integrating nature into urban projects, so that decision-makers have a real motivation to integrate more nature into current or future projects (concerted development areas, rehabilitation, infrastructures, etc.). It responds to the operational objective "to strengthen the integration of nature in cities in urban development projects".
It is composed of 3 axes:
C3.1 Theoretical training of technicians and actors of the city with the creation of a MOOC "Nature in the city and Climate".
This training aims at the acquisition of the following skills:
Knowing the different forms of nature in cities, how they function and the associated ecosystem services ;
To know the state of the art, the techniques of integration and management of nature in urban projects for a better resilience to climate change;
Understand urban strategies for resilience to climate change;
Participate in exchanges and debates on this topic to enrich professional practices.
Conceived in the form of two initial and advanced courses, MOOC is intended first of all for local authority technicians in charge of urban planning and the environment, for those involved in planning and the city: designers, project managers and builders, but also for everyone.
4 main themes are addressed during the 7 weeks of courses that MOOC offers:
1/ Nature in the city and biodiversity: Generalities and major issues
What is Nature in the city and biodiversity?
Nature in the city, an "old story ;
What are the current changes in Nature in the City?
2/ The roles of Nature in the city
Living in Interaction, the role of Nature in the city in relation to the physical urban environment The role of Nature in the city in relation to the city dweller and his well-being ;
Ecosystem services in the city
3/ How to make the city with Nature (1st part): How to make the city with Nature?
Presentation of the different stages that are mobilised for the transformation of the city: diagnosis, design, planning and regulations, technical implementation.
4/ How to make the city with Nature (2nd part): How to make the city with Nature?
Attachment and mobilisation ;
Limits and constraints ;
Accessible on a dedicated platform and translated into 5 languages: French, English, German, Italian and Spanish, the MOOC is made up of 56 videos in total.
36 videos for the MOOC initial course representing 4h45 mn of viewing (week 1: 1h29, week 2: 51 mn, week 3: 1h26, week 4: 58 mn), subtitled in French and English and as many anchoring quizzes (72 questions and answers), as well as 4 thematic quizzes (32 questions and answers);
20 videos for the MOOC advanced course (20 videos for the speakers representing 3h22 mn of viewing (week 1: 1h, week 2: 55 mn, week 3: 1h23), as many anchoring quizzes (40 questions and answers), and 3 thematic quizzes (24 questions and answers);
Both courses are accompanied by a video teaser, an introductory and a concluding video.Teaser
These two routes are accompanied by numerous documentary resources. Subtitled in English, Italian, Spanish and German and available on a dedicated platform, the two MOOC courses have already been repeated several times over the duration of the LIFE project.
Thus the initial MOOC pathway produced in 2018 and 2019 has been opened 4 times: in 2019 from 23 April to 31 May 2019 and from 7 October to 15 November 2019, and in 2020 in an exceptional way during the sanitary confinement from 6 April to 1 June 2020, then from 2 November to 4 January 2021.
Put into production in 2020, the MOOC perfection was put online only once, from 15 June to 1 September 2020.
They will be reopened in 2021 and 2022, then made freely accessible at the end of the project.
MOOC adress : Nature for City LIFE (
This action is implemented by the SUD Region and the LPED - Aix Marseille University.
Expected results
In the regions, train 100 technicians from LIFE partner communities, 100 technicians from "non-LIFE" communities and 200 "developer" technicians.
Outside the region, 200 people per year validating the 2 sessions.
Results obtained on 1 December 2020
To date 2562 people have registered,
2421 in French and
141 in foreign languages and
nearly 500 certificates of attendance have been issued, demonstrating the quality of the courses offered.
C3.2 Theoretical training of elected officials
Objectives of the training
If the mobilisation of elected representatives is essential to the success of projects, it is important to give them the tools for a better appropriation of the issues of nature in cities and climate and to identify the actions to be implemented.
Practical and educational tools for (re)introducing nature in cities
Within the framework of the European "Nature for City Life" programme, the Sud Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Region and its partners, with the help of the Regional Agency for Biodiversity and the Environment (ARBE), wanted to draw up summary sheets detailing the action carried out by one or another in numerous fields.
Feedback sheets have been created to illustrate the feasibility of the projects, addressing these issues under a number of themes, notably how to integrate nature in the city into urban planning documents; how to green the roof of a public building; how to support and mobilise the inhabitants in their desire to green "their" public spaces; how to use the redevelopment of an urban artery to make rainwater drainage more watertight and improve its management; how to promote biodiversity in the city by combating light pollution or how to introduce nature into the heart of the village...
Conceived as a practical and pedagogical basis to help local authorities define and implement their action plan for the (re)introduction of nature in the city and the fight against global warming, they also present useful contacts to go further.
Target groups
Elected officials with functions relating to urban planning (urban planning, building permits, etc.) or the environment (climate, biodiversity, green spaces, etc.).
The tree in the city : Feedback sheet Aix-en-Provence
Drainage and alternative rainwater management : Feedback sheet Aubagne
Canal path : Feedback sheet Avignon canaux
The project hive : Feedback sheet Avignon ruche
Green roofs : Feedback sheet IUT Avignon
The PLU, a tool to promote nature in the city : Feedback sheet la Garde
Planting the city with its inhabitants : Feedback sheet Marseille and Montpellier vegetalisation
Waterproofing and greening : Feedback sheet Miramas and Lyon Garibaldi
Light pollution and biodiversity : Feedback sheet NCA
Nature in the city in an eco-district : Feedback sheet Volonne
Waterproofing of schoolyards Feedback sheet : Grenoble Clémenceau
Vegetation and differentiated management of cemeteries Feedback sheet : Besançon cemeteries
Creation of an "urban" forest Feedback sheet : Aubervilliers Third forest
They are freely accessible and usable under a Creative Commons licence.
In a second phase, a specific training programme has been developed with the ARBE (Regional Agency for Biodiversity and the Environment) .
The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, leader of this project, has set up four free training modules with the Regional Agency for Biodiversity and the Environment [ARBE] for elected officials at the municipal, metropolitan, departmental and regional levels in the three metropolitan areas of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (Aix-Marseille-Provence, Toulon-Provence-Méditerranée and Nice-Côte d'Azur).
These four training modules will enable you to discover the levers that nature offers in the city: preservation of biodiversity, urban cooling, rainwater management, health and well-being, sustainable food, etc., in order to meet the challenges of climate change in the South!
- Module A [indoor]: 1 hour to discover and act on "Nature in the city and climate change: state of play, possible solutions
- Module B [in the field]: Field visits to discover concrete achievements around nature in the city to adapt to climate change
- Module C [indoor]: Lunch workshop "Nature in the city and adaptation in my community
- Module D [indoor]: In-depth workshop "Nature-based solutions
Nature in the city and adaptation to climate change - Visits and training for elected officials in metropolitan areas with the ARBE -
The development and enhancement of nature areas in cities is a response to the challenges of climate change. Nature, beyond its heritage aspect (biodiversity, landscape), brings many benefits to urban areas.
Thus, the Nature for City LIFE project invites elected officials to move to nature in the city with the Nature for City Life training program run by the Regional Agency for Biodiversity and the Environment [ARBE]. Within this framework, elected officials can be trained free of charge on the implementation of climate change adaptation actions thanks to the levers offered by nature in the city!
Find below the feedback on nature in the city to inspire you :
Miramas ecological management of green spaces
In addition, as part of the Nature for City LIFE project piloted by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, ARBE offered two Nature for City LIFE webinars - Nature in the city and climate change: state of play and possible solutions on nature in the city and climate change adaptation on March 29 and May 17, 2022.
Participants discovered the services that nature in the city provides to adapt their territories to climate change: urban cooling, risk reduction, health preservation, carbon storage, sustainable water management, soil quality improvement, biodiversity enhancement. These solutions aim to promote mitigation and adaptation to the effects of climate change. In addition to the benefits they bring to biodiversity and the climate, these solutions have the advantage of being multifunctional by also improving the living environment and health of inhabitants.
Find below the replays of the webinars as well as the summary of the exchanges :
Expected results
Training of 150 to 200 elected representatives during the LIFE period. Municipal, metropolitan, departmental and regional elected officials from the three metropolitan areas of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (Aix-Marseille-Provence, Toulon-Provence-Méditerranée and Nice-Côte d'Azur).
This action is implemented by the South Region.
C3.3 Practical workshops for elected representatives and technicians on "nature in the city and climate" on planning and development tools: PLUi, PCAE...
Objective :
The objective is to support the 3 Metropolises in the drafting of their urban planning documents (PLUI, SCOT...) and development projects in progress, by providing them with complementary engineering for the organisation of practical "nature in the city" workshops for elected representatives and technicians.
These workshops are organised either on a metropolitan scale or on an infra scale: territorial councils on MPAs, municipalities... The choice of the territorial scale of the workshop is determined in close partnership with the services of the project's partner authorities.
Each metropolis will benefit from 20 days of expertise over the duration of the Nature for City LIFE project.
These practical workshops are organised at the request of the local authorities of the project territories wishing to work on a planning document or a development project.
In order to support the volunteer local authorities, the South Region has recruited the consultancy firm "SENSEE Culture Couleurs", which specialises in the fields of consultation and mobilisation.
To present the methodological content of these workshops, a practical guide for the organisation of elected representatives and technicians' workshops is available on the website: link to the guide for elected representatives and technicians
The first workshop organised concerned the Climate Air Energy Metropolitan Plan for the Aix Marseille Provence metropolis. At the end of 2018, during two half-days of work bringing together 52 elected technical officials and representatives of associations, work was carried out to define actions identifying the challenges related to the consideration of nature in the city in a logic of adaptation to climate change.
To find out more about the PCAEM : Synthesis PCAEM_MAJmars2020-DEF.pdf (
The second topic addressed in these workshops was that of the PLUi of the Pays d'Aix - MPA territory. At the request of the teams in charge of drawing up this strategic document, the nature for City Life project team and SENNSE, two half-days were devoted to integrating the issues of nature in the city into the Sustainable Development and Planning Project (PADD). In addition to the transversal consideration of these issues and their translation into the PADD, the DOO (Document d'Objectifs et d'Orientations) and finally into the regulations, the workshops raised the issue of the temporality of their integration and above all the need to raise the awareness of elected representatives to these issues.
Finally in Miramas, a day/workshop was organised with the services of AMP and the town of Miramas in the form of a "Sustainable City" seminar. Bringing together nearly 70 professionals and elected officials. They worked on the structuring themes of the "Heart of the City" project: restructuring of the station/ Oasis Eco-district centre.
On the territory of Nice Cote d'Azur, two workshops were organised, the first with the elected representatives and technicians of the city of Cagnes-sur-Mer on the issues of renaturation around the Cagnes and the second with those of the city of Carros on the consideration of nature in the city in the development projects carried out by the city.
The first working session of each of these workshops began in the form of an urban walk to free up the floor, to exchange on the expertise and practices of each participant in order to share definitions and challenges in terms of the services provided by nature in the city. This work was finalised during small group work sessions to integrate these issues into development projects.
A third workshop was organised with the elected representatives of NCA and the city of Nice to work with them on the technical and financial feasibility of nature projects in the city developed by citizens in the framework of the citizen mobilisation workshops on the urban renewal project of the Ariane district.
At the end of the Nature for city Life project and the feedback acquired during these workshops, a bilingual French-English guide will be drawn up for the facilitation of practical "nature in the city and climate" workshops for elected officials and technicians.
Within the framework of the NCFL project, a recommendation guide has been specially created for the elected-technician workshops to offer you feedback and animation ideas to help you organize these workshops.
Target public
All the technicians and elected representatives of the project territories who have attended or are due to attend the theoretical training courses (cf. C3.1).
C4 Mobilisation of citizens on urban planning projects
The aim of this action is to enable the development of consultation or citizen mobilisation as early as possible in order to help prevent litigation later on. Allowing the public to formulate their observations or proposals before the permit is submitted helps to improve the quality of urban projects, and thus reinforce their acceptability.
It aims to implement an optional prior consultation on certain urban projects and to specifically organise workshops on the theme of developing nature in the city to strengthen its resilience to climate change. In order to avoid any misunderstanding with the consultation actions as provided for in the law, this action has been entitled Citizen Mobilisation.
It is fully in line with the operational objective "to strengthen the integration of nature in the city in urban development projects".
In the application selected by the LIFE programme, the NFCL project team had proposed to support between 5 and 10 urban projects per city over the 5 years of the project. Thus, all the partners had pre-identified urban projects in the project phase which could be the subject of specific support.
In order to implement this support, the Southern Region, which is in charge of this action, launched a contract to retain a service provider : SENNSE Culture Couleur, whose competence is the animation of consultation and citizen mobilisation processes.
Choice of urban projects
On the basis of the list drawn up by each metropolis, reviews of urban projects are regularly organised with the NFCL project team, SENNSE Culture couleurs and the services of the metropolises. In addition, exchanges are also set up with the services of the local authorities of the metropolitan territories which may request support for projects under local control.
Once the urban projects have been selected, the work of defining the objectives of the workshops, the target audience and its mobilisation, the duration of the workshops, the organisation schedule and the mobilisation of services begins...
Organization of workshops
The workshops were initially designed to be held several times (between 2 and 5 meetings) in order to ensure that the mobilisation work would last.
The content of each workshop is defined specifically for each project. The central objective, beyond raising citizens' awareness of the services provided by nature in terms of adapting to climate change, is to enable the workshops to produce content that can feed into the services and make the project for better nature in the city evolve.
Each workshop session is the subject of a record of decision transmitted to all participants in the interests of transparency and sharing.
To present the methodological content of these workshops, a practical guide for the organization of citizen workshops: link to the citizen workshop guide :
In 2019 several citizen mobilisation workshops were organised, including. :
- in Port de Bouc as part of the urban renewal programme with the residents of the Comtes district and the students of the Jean Moulin vocational high school as part of the project to redevelop the Place du Quadran and the Jean-Jacques Rousseau space : Attached is the report of the workshop
- in Carros with the organisation of storytelling walks enabling people to "re-visit" some of the town's public spaces from the angle of "what place for nature in the town in a context of adaptation to climate change? "
These walks gave rise to some nice comments:
- I leave with the hope given by a project that deals with nature in the city
- The beauty of nature is also a service it provides.
- We must move towards an alliance. We must be able to reach an agreement between security and nature.
- We have tried too hard to adapt nature to our needs. We must accept that we are dependent on nature. "
Within the framework of the NCFL project, a recommendation guide has been specially created for citizen workshops to offer you feedback and animation ideas to help you organize these workshops.
In Nice, with the inhabitants of the Ariane district, work was carried out with the support of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis on the issue of derelict areas, which had been poetically defined by a participant during the first workshop as follows: "A dead-living place: dead because it is not maintained, alive because it develops on its own : Ariane magazine
As a result, three projects were selected: the development of the banks of the Paillon in connection with the NPRU, the creation of discovery paths in the Tripode hill and the creation of mobile gardens, presented in the framework of a specific workshop to the elected representatives and services in order to allow their implementation .
2020 was a particular year that was not very conducive to the launch of urban projects due to the electoral deadlines and the health situation, and its corollary, the confinement. Nevertheless, this time was used to work on the organisation of new workshops and the development of several communication and awareness-raising tools, including a guide presenting the citizen mobilisation workshops.
2021 is already shaping up to be a year rich in exchanges and co-construction because of the abundance of projects !
C5 Forums and Seminars
C5.1 Citizen Forums
Sharing experiences between citizens to develop knowledge and awareness of the issues at stake in the project. Strengthen citizen involvement in the governance of their territory's climate.
The second and fourth year of LIFE will be organised for exchanges between citizens from all LIFE territories who have participated in the workshops organised in Action C4.
These forums will present the progress of site monitoring systems piloting procedures.
French and European specialists in the fields of biodiversity, urban planning and law will share their knowledge. These specialists will be identified through networking exchanges.
Experiences from other French and European regions on urban nature and climate issues will be presented and discussed with citizens. They will have been selected through networking.
1st Citizen Forum on October 1, 2021 organized with the services of the Nice metropolis of a citizen forum as part of the Nice Transition Days
The theme was to enable the development of new cooperation in the service of the ecological transition and the effective implementation of the Green Deal at the territorial level. This forum was part of the Nice Transition Days which took place on September 30 and October 1, 2021. The theme fully integrates the objectives of the NFCL project around the role of nature in the adaptation of cities to climate change.
In addition to the guided tour of the exhibition installed in the Village des Solutions Quai des Etats Unis, three workshops were organized gathering a public of visitors for the Congress or walkers, students but also people who had registered on the website of the metropolis. About these workshops, a presentation of the stakes of nature in the city was made by the project manager of the Metropolitan Climate Air and Energy Plan, followed by exchanges on the practices of each other and on the "how to mobilize as citizens".
You will find here the summary of this forum.
Expected results
Creation of 2 citizens' forums (on two of the three partner territories) with a minimum participation of 100 people
Elaboration of a dossier of proposals for citizen governance on the issue of nature in cities and distribution of 1000 copies in French and English.
C5.2 European Forum "Nature in Cities and Climate Change"
Disseminate the methodologies and initial results of LIFE and enrich the experiences of other territories in Europe.
Organisation of a forum for presentations and exchanges between actors of the city and European scientists on the services provided by nature in the city and the means of developing it.
Detailed technical presentation of the results of the actions carried out by this LIFE, pooling of good urbanisation practices based on the development of nature in cities, at European level.
Creation of a European network around the issue, targeting actors working in the field of urban planning and biodiversity.
Setting up a virtual forum, via the LIFE website, to initiate the dynamics of sharing and exchanges around the issue and allow the collection of experiences, some of which will be presented during the "real"forum. Everyone can contribute to enriching the exchanges: experiences of good practice, presentation of cross-cutting interests in terms of resilience to climate change; analysis of public policies applied to urban planning; identification of the following
experiences and achievements that bring innovations.
Organisation of the "real" forum for feedback and exchanges between actors of the city and European scientists for two days. Six European countries will be solicited: France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands and Spain.
Bas, Belgium Germany (simultaneous translation). The citizens' councils participating in C4 actions will contribute to the exchanges and will be able to present their experiences and the outputs of their workshops at the final forum.
The overall approach aims in particular to achieve, between the cooperating countries, the joint elaboration of a proposal dossier to take better account of nature and its services in urban planning.
Due to the health crisis, this forum could not be held in 2020. Therefore, a first day was held in video on July 1st, 2021, the second one taking place in person on October 8th.
During Act 1 on July 1st, the day was structured around a plenary lecture given by Philippe CLERGEAU, Professor at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Department of Man & Environment, UMR CESCO "From Urban Biodiversity to Urban Planning". Six round tables then allowed for collective reflection on the following topics : the city permeable to biodiversity; in a logic of adaptation, how to think about urban planning favorable to health; the place of water in cities; failed projects or how to learn from one's mistakes or those of others; action research to feed public policies; citizen involvement.
Then Act 2, on October 8, 2021, allowed for a plenary conference given by Lise BOURDEAU LEPAGE - University Professor - Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University - CNRS UMR EVS, President of the Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française - to address the topic of "Nature to the rescue of the city. Desire, urban well-being, unthinking, inequalities". Two round tables then addressed the following topics : Is the green city a city for the rich? European projects: taking into account the challenges of nature in the city by Europe and feedback on these projects.
Finally, in the afternoon, 5 urban walks will take place in Marseille with the Bureau des Guides 2013 on the following topics : Trees in the city ; Transect North/Euroméditerranée la Cabucelle; The terradou of Hauts de Sainte-Marthe; The Aygalades stream; Foresta.
This forum, which brought together more than 200 participants over the two days, encouraged rich times of sharing and was an opportunity to present the exhibition "Nature in the city and adaptation to climate change" to the public for the first time.
It received a very positive feedback on the plenary conferences, round tables and walks with mention of a strong usefulness of the day for the professional practice of the participants.
In this context, the BGR has produced a number of products for the walks, which can be found on their website : News from the Bureau des guides du GR2013 // January 2022 : Les actualités du Bureau des guides du GR2013 // Janvier 2022.
Expected results
Creation of a forum for exchanges between city stakeholders and scientists from the 6 countries concerned with a minimum participation of 200 people (all audiences included).
Drawing up of a proposal dossier to take better account of nature and its services in urban planning.