The Nature for City LIFE project was built around a solid partnership between 5 of the most important communities in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region (the regional Council, the three Metropolises and the regional capital, the 2nd largest french city), the 1st University of the region and two unique associations on their respective themes at the regional level.
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region
The Provence-Alpes-Côte d' Azur Region (Regional Council) is a local authority, the main tool for decentralisation. Its role is to render a public service by ensuring the general interest of the inhabitants, their well-being and equal opportunities.
The third most populous region in France, the dynamic of Provence-Alpes-Côte d' Azur contributes to the economic development of France since more than 7% of the national wealth is produced in the region.
The Region has the powers enumerated in the various laws that have followed one another since 1983.
- The Region is responsible for setting economic development guidelines. To this end, it is drawing up a regional plan for economic development, innovation and internationalisation (SRDEII) which defines in particular "guidelines on aid to enterprises, support for internationalisation and aid for real estate investment and business innovation, as well as guidelines relating to the attractiveness of the regional territory.
- The Region's role in the field of spatial planning is being strengthened by drawing up a regional development, sustainable development and equality of territories plan (SRADDET).
- The law also gives the Regions the power to draw up a regional waste prevention and management plan. This plan differs from the above-mentioned plans in that it is only provisional.
- In addition, instead of departments, the Region has been given the competence to manage non-urban, regular or on-demand transport services. With regard to school transport, the Region may, by convention, entrust the organisation of school transport to departments or an EPCI.
- Major role in the preparation and execution of the regional part of the plan contract;
- Management of regional passenger transport, in particular rail transport (regional express train network, TER) and participation in the financing of infrastructure, such as the construction of new TGV lines.
- Implementation of continuing vocational training and apprenticeship schemes, including the integration of young people in difficulty and work-linked training;
- Construction, maintenance and operation of general secondary schools and agricultural schools;
- Heritage protection;
- Development of seaports and aerodromes;
- Implementation of a regional air quality plan and classification of regional nature reserves.
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ATMOSUD is the Association Approved by the Ministry in charge of the Environment for the Monitoring of the air auality of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. It is an associative structure that brings together four stakeholder colleges:
- territorial communities,
- State services and public institutions,
- industrial
- associations for the protection of the environment and consumers, qualified personalities and/or health professionals.
The association carries out measurements and continuously improves its knowledge of pollutants emissions and air quality in relation to climate change. It identifies the populations exposed to exceedance of health limit standards to highlight the health risks associated with the use of areas where action is needed.
The association fulfils a public interest mission. ATMOSUD informs and sensitizes the citizen, the State, the local authorities and the public communities and economic actors. It proposes decision support to implement the
actions most relevant to air quality. It thus contributes to changes in behaviours of everyone.
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Bureau des Guides du GR2013
The Bureau des Guides is the animator of the metropolitan trekking trail of the GR® 2013 Grande Randonnée GR® trekking trail (created during Marseille 2013, European Capital of Culture) running through the metropolis of Aix-Marseille Provence and passing through a myriad of urban, peri-urban, semi-natural and natural environments. He is also the animator of the partnership in charge of managing the 2013 GR (communities, federation and hiking clubs, associations, artists, tourist and cultural actors,...).
The GR2013's Bureau des Guides brings together artists-walkers and numerous groups of architects and artist-constructors who develop a concrete and poetic relationship with the territory, particularly in its urban, natural, social and cultural components.
The structure has developed a hybrid artistic and participative methodology to understand territories in the diversity of their components and proposes marches and projects related to exploration.
of the territory throughout the 2013 GR. In the project presented, the involvement of the 2013 Guides' Office is essential because the demonstration sites of ecosystem services provided by infrastructures and blue in the city pass through metropolitan hiking trails. In line with the methodology of
At the association, these will be used as an existing communication medium for raising public awareness.
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Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis
The Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis is a public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation with its own tax system created on 1 January 2016. It is made up of 6 territorial councils: Marseille Provence, Pays d'Aix, Pays de Salon, Pays d'Istres, Pays d'Aubagne and Pays de Martigues.
The Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis comprises 92 municipalities, covering an area of 3,148 km2, i.e. 10% of the regional surface area. It is thus the largest metropolis in France: four times the size of Greater Paris and six times that of Greater Lyon.
The metropolitan territory has an exceptional and diversified geographical and landscape setting. The numerous hilly massifs and their valleys to the east are contrasted with the expanses of water of the Etang de Berre and the Etang de Bolmon to the west. The 255 kilometre long coastline alternates between industrial and port areas (Fos-sur-Mer area, Grand Port Maritime, port of La Ciotat) and picturesque natural areas, including the famous calanques between Marseille and Cassis. The land territory is marked both by numerous remarkable natural areas, some of which are protected, and by strong, multipolar urbanisation.
With 1,850,000 inhabitants, Aix-Marseille-Provence is also the most populous of the regional metropolises. The two major urban centres, Marseille (858,000 inhabitants) and Aix-en-Provence (142,000 inhabitants), together have a population of one million, i.e. 54% of the population of the metropolis. However, the demographic growth of the metropolis, like that of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, has been slowing down for the past ten years, with an annual growth rate of only +0.4%.
Several metropolitan competences allow for a global approach to the evolution of the living environment in all its diversity by acting on :
- air quality and the reduction of noise pollution
- the fight against and adaptation to climate change
- waste management
- water and sanitation management,
- the sea and the coastline,
- forest management and fire prevention,
- mobility,
- the economy.
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Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis
Nice-Côte d' Azur Metropolis (NCA) is a public institution for intermunicipal cooperation. In connection with the project, the Metropolis is competent on:
- Protection and enhancement of biodiversity: design and animation of the green and blue grid; Agenda 21 Metropolitan, Animation and management of NATURA 2000 zones;
- Fight against air pollution - and noise (implementation of an urban monitoring system);
- Adaptation to climate change through the Air and Energy Climate Plan (PCAET);
- Support for actions to control energy demand;
- Development and urban development: creation, development and management of industrial, commercial, tertiary, etc. areas of activity.
- Actions for economic development, construction, planning, maintenance and operation of cultural, socio-cultural, socio-educational and sports facilities of metropolitan interest;
- Development of the metropolitan area: Territorial Coherence Scheme (SCOT); Local Urban Planning Plan, creation and implementation of a concerted development zone (ZAC), constitution of lands reserves ; overall development program and identification of development sectors within the meaning of the urban planning code.
- Local housing policy: improvement of the built-up housing stock, rehabilitation and reduction of unsanitary housing;
- City policy: contractual arrangements for urban development, local development and economic and social integration;
- Implementation of consultation in urban development and planning strategies as well as on certain urban development projects within the meaning of the urban planning code.
In addition, NCA works in partnership with Air PACA (air quality monitoring) and is a member of the Mediterranean Cities and Territories Agency (AVITEM) and the Mayor's Adapt network.
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Toulon Provence Mediterranée Metropolis
The Toulon Provence Méditerranée Metropolis is a Public Institution for Intercommunlae Cooperation (EPCI). In connection with the projects, his skills are :
- The environment and the enhancement of outstanding natural spaces;
- Adaptation to climate change through the Air and Energy Climate Plan (PCAET). Within this framework, TPM has been awarded the call for projects "Town of Tomorrow, Territory with positive energy for green growth", TPM has committed itself to a PCAET by deliberation at the beginning of 2016;
- Economic development;
- Spatial planning and transport in connection with spatial planning documents (local urban development plan, territorial cohesion plan),
- City politics;
- Tourism development;
- The road;
- Culture and major cultural facilities.
In addition, TPM works in partnership is a member of AVITEM's Mediterranean Cities and Territories Agency.
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Aix Marseille University - LPED
The University of Aix-Marseille is a national public scientific, cultural and professional institution.
The University's Population, Environment and Development Laboratory bases its work on research themes at the interface between the dynamics of populations and their territories, the environment and development. It integrates contemporary environmental, climate change and sustainable development issues based on interdisciplinarity and proximity intersectorality.
In its TRAMES thematic area, work is being developed on multi-scalar issues linked to urbanization and sustainable development: conditions for the economic, social and environmental sustainability of regional structures, cities, and highly anthropized territories (including coastal fringes and peri-urban "natural" areas) around the Mediterranean and in the South (Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America).
For example, the studies carried out within the TRAMES axis to analyse the territories of the Marseilles region have mobilised 9 research professors, 6 PhD theses and 6 under way in several disciplines: geography, sociology, ecology, climatology, oceanology. The common problem is that of fragmentation vs. environmental continuity (through ecological and bioclimatic discontinuities, the dynamics of "nature" in cities), socio-spatial, political (contradiction of public actions, governance) and economic (increasing action by private operators in urban production and management).
The disciplinary tools mobilized and cross-fertilized are environmental measures (urban climate, biodiversity, land use), inventories of residential and public spaces, roads and green spaces.
urban; deciphering local policies and games of local actors; surveys (perception and representations) and participatory approaches with inhabitants (e. g.: Sauvages de ma rue).
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Marseille City
Within the project, the main municipal competences are covered:
- Jurisdiction to issue planning permission;
- Protection and enhancement of biodiversity: design and animation of the green and blue grid in conjunction with the local urban planning plan and the territorial coherence scheme in particular; implementation of a local strategy for the protection of biodiversity; Agenda 21.
- The implementation of consultation in urban development and development strategies as well as on certain urban development projects within the meaning of the urban planning code;
- The establishment and management of public gardens;
- Carbon footprints on the municipal territory.
In addition, the city of Marseille works in partnership with AIR PACA (air quality monitoring) and is a member of AVITEM's Mediterranean Cities and Territories Agency.