On 16 November a webinar was devoted to "Social Representations of Nature in the City". This time of exchange allowed the presentation of the first works carried out within the framework of the "Socio-economic monitoring" action by the LPED under the guidance of Carole Barthélémy with Aurélien Allouche from the Ressource design office and Laurence Nicolas from the Façon de dire design office.
The synthesis of the 200 surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019 highlights the high expectations of the inhabitants but also of elected officials and technicians in terms of nature in the city, as well as a shared understanding of it. However, while they share the contribution in terms of biodiversity protection, the analyses diverge : elected officials and technicians who have a more technical approach give priority to issues of air quality and the fight against heat islands. Inhabitants, on the other hand, put more emphasis on quality of life issues : creating links, limiting "construction".
On the website www.nature4citylife.eu you can find all the results of the surveys carried out among elected representatives and technicians in 2019 as part of the Nature for City LIFE project : C1 Development of urban monitoring as a tool for governance and information "nature in cities and climate"
New surveys are currently being carried out, in particular among the participants of the first MOOC sessions and citizen mobilisation workshops.