Networking : Focus on Life ARTISAN

Within the framework of the Nature for City LIFE programme, the SUD Region is developing networking actions with other LIFE programmes which aim to respond to the challenges of adaptation to climate change.  Today, we propose you to get to know one of them: the LIFE ARTISAN programme.

Adapting to the effects of climate change with nature is the ambition of the ARTISAN integrated Life project (Increasing the Resilience of Territories by Encouraging Nature-based Adaptation Solutions).

Nature-based Solutions (NBS) refer to "actions to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems to directly address societal challenges in an effective and adaptive manner while ensuring human well-being and benefits for biodiversity" (International Union for Conservation of Nature). Some of them more specifically address the issue of adaptation to climate change : Nature-based Adaptation Solutions (NBSAS).

They can be implemented:

- on the coastline to prevent erosion or submersion : adaptive management of the coastline, management of Posidonia beds, etc.

- in urban areas to create islands of freshness and better manage rainwater runoff: vegetation, de-waterproofing, riparian management, etc.

- in rural areas to reduce soil dryness and the risk of flooding: planting of hedges, grassing of field borders, protection of permanent meadows, restoration of wetlands, hydromorphological restoration of watercourses, etc.

- in forests to limit the risk of fires, landslides or avalanches : sustainable and multifunctional forest management

- in the mountains to diversify the tourist offer: greening of ski slopes

The Life ARTISAN project is led by the French Biodiversity Office. With 29 partners, it is part of the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC 2) and the French Biodiversity Plan. Over a period of eight years, ARTISAN should enable the creation of a framework conducive to the deployment of SAFNs at all scales. (

It is thus dedicated to :

- demonstrating and developing the potential of SAFNs, thanks to 10 pilot sites (restoration of the Estagnol marshland (83) in the SOUTH region

- raising awareness and increasing the skills of the actors on this theme, thanks to the capitalisation and design of resources progressively available on the CRACC website -

support and amplify SAFN projects throughout France (including Overseas France) by running a national SAFN network and 13 regional networks

The regional networks involve local stakeholders (DREAL, Water Agencies, Regions, WRA, OFB, ADEME, etc.) to support the implementation of SAFN projects and facilitate the integration of this topic in territorial planning approaches.

Life ARTISAN is thus aimed at elected representatives, technicians from local authorities and state services, engineering and design departments that design developments, economic players (agricultural, forestry, fishing, tourism, etc.) and civil society, as climate phenomena have consequences for all citizens.

To go further, the LIFE ARTISAN brochure is attached ;

For more information on the subject, your contact in the regional network : »