ZOOM on Sauvages de ma rue 2022

Sauvages de ma rue is a participatory science program : it is both an educational project led by the association Tela Botanica and a scientific project of the CESCO laboratory of the MNHN -laboratoire CESCO du MNHN . It is part of the Vigie-Nature program -Vigie-Nature.

Sauvages de ma rue aims to enable city dwellers to recognize the plant species that grow in their immediate environment, the plants they come across daily in their street, around the feet of trees, on the sidewalks, in the lawns ...

Even if they have no knowledge of botany, thanks to the use of the very simple tools made available to them, they can make a list of the species growing in their street and send their data to the researchers from the "tools" tab-  outils -of this project space.

The data will allow us to advance our knowledge of the distribution of species in the city and the impact of these "urban gaps" on the quality of biodiversity. The data can eventually be provided to communities wishing to learn more about their plant diversity.

Today, the Sauvages de ma rue participative science project - Sauvages de ma rue-  is 10 years old!

Find the Top 5 of the most observed species at the beginning of the year in the link below: TOP 5 of the most observed urban species in January ! - Tela Botanica (tela-botanica.org) : TOP 5 des espèces urbaines les plus observées en janvier ! – Tela Botanica (tela-botanica.org)