A reference event in terms of scientific culture, it's a must for those who are curious and passionate about science. This 31st edition will kick off on Friday, October 7, 2022 at the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) in Paris.
And it is the famous duo of science journalists, Fred and Jamy, who will inaugurate the event, alongside Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research.
For the occasion, a series of 15 programs will be filmed and broadcast live in the heart of the Grande Galerie de l'Evolution and all of the programs will be broadcast live on the Fête de la science website Fête de la science
The Fête de la science is also a real highlight in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.
All scientific subjects are highlighted, and in particular the annual theme : "Climate change: mitigation and adaptation".
An opportunity to reflect together on the issues related to climate change and to discover the natural wealth of your city through the exhibition "Nature and the city and adaptation to climate change".
7 themes divided into 14 panels to better understand how and why we need to give nature back its place in our cities and in our lives!
Find attached the press release to learn more and find your contacts according to your geographical area, the exhibition is loaned free of charge.
The program to not miss anything in the South of France:
The program in each department : Le programme dans chaque département
Live programming and virtual entertainment content : Programmation live et contenus ludiques virtuels